Jun 2, 2013

Protecting Dawn

Chapter IV
Protecting Dawn

I'm not sure how it came about, but Dawn asked if I wanted to go to a Christian teen hang out with her and her brother and sister.  This was just a week or two after meeting her.  Of course I told her yes.  I believe at the time her and her folks went to Mt. Zion church in Clarkston, MI, but I could be wrong.  Anyway, the church (each Saturday night) held a teen hang-out in Waterford, MI next to the old Waterford Twin Cinema (which now is a motor bike center, or was) on Crescent Lake Road, which was called Oakland Christian Association (OCA), which years later would be renamed Waterford Christian Association (WCA) 

She came and picked me up with her older brother in their station wagon.  It was myself, Dawn, her older brother Patrick and her younger brother and sister Phil and Heather.  I know, how in the world can I remember names from 18 years ago?

We had a good time.  Through the years I continued to attend the teen hangout, and so did myself, Lonny, and his younger cousin Eric.  Lonny and Eric stopped going around 2000, but I continued to go until November 2002, I mostly played hockey from 1998-2002.  Dawn might have went once or twice in '98, but I can't remember.

I recall an instance (I'd say 1997) where Dawn's boyfriend (or someone she was dating) at the time came to pick her up from WCA.  He was out in his truck and acting very strange.  He apparently was on something (or just acting strange) and she was scared.  She was afraid for herself, and I could see it in her eyes.  I could hear it in her voice, and she was startled.  I told her I would take her home.  I think it was just myself and Lonny at WCA, but anyway, we had someone escort us out to my car, fearing he would be outside. . .  waiting.  He was out there, but he was actually sleeping in his truck.  I believe his truck was blue. . kind of a beat up truck.  Now that I think about it, they may have broken up, but he knew where she was at.  She went outside, and noticed he was there.

We quickly hopped into my little '91 Toyota Tercel and took off.  I knew not to go down M-59, because if he took off, he'd follow us.  Even if he got to her house before us, at least we'd be on the road and safe.

We took the back way and headed south on Crescent Lake Road.  I remember thinking how much I cared about Dawn on the way to her house.  I didn't want to see her afraid, scared, or sad.  I could tell she was still frightened.  I can't recall the whole situation between her and this guy, but Dawn was a smart girl.  I think she was with someone that she didn't know real well, and sadly, she found out real quick how crazy he was.  I think she said something about him being possessive and it scared her.  Lonny and I knew we had to protect Dawn.  I made it a promise to myself to get her home safely.

So instead of swinging by her house, we headed down the street and waited.  We came up with a plan, if he was going to be there.  I'm not sure what that plan was, but in the end, Lonny and I got Dawn home safe and sound.  He was actually sitting in his truck waiting in her driveway.

I remember her Mom and Dad being home, this was late at night, and of course I was late getting home.  I should have called my folks before we left from WCA.  I remember her Mom and Dad talking to this guy and basically saying that Dawn didn't want to see him anymore or something like that.

My favorite prom picture of Dawn and I together.

I quickly asked Dawn's Mom if I could use their phone to call home.  This was after 11:00 PM at night and I knew I was going to be in trouble, even though I helped protect Dawn.  Dawn's Mom actually got on the phone and explained the whole situation to my Mom, but it didn't help.  I should have called before leaving from WCA, but my mind was on Dawn and getting her home safely.  I had always called home if I was going to be a bit late, but this was one time I didn't.  I was grounded for a few days.  I would have done it all over again in a heart beat.

'The Promise'
By Tracy Chapman
Year: 1995
One of my top 10 favorite slow songs

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