Chapter I
Dana Maynard
Dana Maynard

July 7th 2000 I saw myself kneeling before my friend's grave, placing flowers at her grave site, wishing I could place them in the palm of her hand. It had been 3 years and 1 month since her passing. I spoke to her like she was by my side. I remember hearing birds chirping and decorations on another tombstone rattle. I reminded her about how we met, but I remember one thing that I never told her, and it was that she was so damn cute. We were just friends, but boy, she was pretty in every way possible.
As I stood up, I looked over to the corn field, which was behind her tombstone, and the wind started to glide faster through my hair, and I felt a comfort. Then I looked up at the sun and that spark of light beamed down on me. It was like she was placing her precious hand on my shoulder and whispering into my ear.
"Jesse, everything is going to be ok."
By this point I was crying, because I knew I had to do something I never wanted to do. Something I never wanted to tell Dana, something that was going to break my heart. I said these exact words.
"Dana, you know I care about you so much, but I will never be coming back to visit you again. I live far away, and I'm on my way to a CF family retreat camp in Hillsdale, but you'll always know that I care about you. You're loved by so many, including myself."
With tears flowing down my face, I kissed the palm of my hand and placed it on her tombstone. As I walked away, I turned around expecting her to charge after me and give me a goodbye hug, but that didn't happen. I knew that wouldn't happen until we met again. On the other side.
"Jesse, everything is going to be ok."
By this point I was crying, because I knew I had to do something I never wanted to do. Something I never wanted to tell Dana, something that was going to break my heart. I said these exact words.
"Dana, you know I care about you so much, but I will never be coming back to visit you again. I live far away, and I'm on my way to a CF family retreat camp in Hillsdale, but you'll always know that I care about you. You're loved by so many, including myself."
With tears flowing down my face, I kissed the palm of my hand and placed it on her tombstone. As I walked away, I turned around expecting her to charge after me and give me a goodbye hug, but that didn't happen. I knew that wouldn't happen until we met again. On the other side.
Photo courtesy of Leslie Nessel
This is the story of my Cystic Fibrosis (CF) friend Dana Maynard, who passed away at the age of 17 on June 11th 1997, after receiving a liver transplant due to CF in 1994. Like myself (double lung transplant on September 26th 2010), Dana received the gift of life and was able to live her life an extra 3 years. Without that gift, without that selfish act of kindness, Dana's family wouldn't have been able to enjoy her presence, and her CF camp friends would've lost a very dear friend much sooner.
To tell this story, I must go back to CF camp 1992, where we met, and how we met. My memory might be a bit foggy, but I'll try and do my best.
Her death hit me pretty hard, and it affected us all. Out of all the CF campers who knew Dana, I don't think it hit anyone harder than Jason Sevrey, who at one time was Dana's love interest. Sadly, Jason passed away on December 3rd 2000 from CF.
And to tell this story, I must go back to that day when Andy Johnston (fellow CF camper) called me up on the phone, just two days before we were going to visit Dana in the hospital. He said the words I never wanted to hear.
"Dana passed away."
Question: How do you talk to an angel? You'll learn how through this journey down memory lane.
'Wherever You Are'
By Celeste Prince
Sweet November Motion Picture Soundtrack
Year: 2001
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