Jun 9, 2013

Laying Dana To Rest

Chapter IV
Laying Dana To Rest

Backstory: Cleo (sp)
Back in 1996, Cleo was working as a pulmonary tech/therapist at Harper University Hospital, which is my CF center in Detroit, MI next to Children's Hospital Of Michigan.  It was my first year at Harper and I had spoken to him about CF camp, and I told him that he'd love it .  The other person that got Cleo to go to camp was Jim Meyer (I believe).  So 1996 Cleo attended camp as part of the staff.  He had the time of his life that week and enjoyed it.  He talked about Dana and so many other people and always asked me how she and everyone else was doing.  Sadly, I informed Cleo in the fall of 1997 that Dana had passed away.  He was bummed to hear about her passing.  I see Cleo every so often at Harper.  Even though he only went one year, he still has fond memories of his experience there.  He's no longer a pulmonary tech/therapist, but still works at Harper at a higher position.  I'm not sure of his job title, but I believe he does something with medical insurance now, in terms of medical equipment with the hospital.  I last saw him in June 2012 and he's doing good.

It's very hard to lose a friend, especially someone that has the same disease as yourself, but it's even harder for a parent/sister/brother/relative to lose their own family member. This is something I'm not familiar with, since I'm an only child, but to go through that hell. . . I can't imagine it.

9 months had passed since Andy's Bash. Andy had called me to tell me Dana was sick. I think we all knew she had been sick off and on, but this time it was different. Andy said these exact words to me and it was all he needed to say.

"Dana is sick and it doesn't look good."

We all knew what that meant, but for it to become reality, we just couldn't imagine it. Andy called me up on Monday (I believe), which would have been June 9th 1997. Him and I (and a few others I believe) had planned on heading up to the hospital to visit Dana on Friday, June 13th or Saturday, June 14th. We couldn't go during the week, due to school, but had planned on seeing her on one of those days. I can't recall which day.

Wednesday, June 11th 1997 Andy called me to say the words I never wanted to hear.

"Dana passed away."

One moment the reel of life has you seeing yourself slow dancing with someone you had just met, the next, it brings you the news of a friend passing away 5 years later.  Sometimes life can really suck.

It really didn't hit me until that night. I cried and remembered how sweet Dana's voice was, and all the times she us to call me 'shorty', which it brought a smile to my face. She was the only girl who I liked being called shorty by, because we both were the same height.

Funeral arrangements were made by her parents. Her funeral was set to be on Saturday, June 14th 1997 at 1:00 PM. I remember waking up that morning and getting ready for Dana's funeral. I felt as though I wasn't getting ready for Dana's funeral. I felt like I was getting dressed up to say my final goodbye to her. I wore the same suit and tie that I had worn to my Junior homecoming dance.

I remember driving over to Andy's house. Since Alisha and I lived close to Andy, all three of us decided to ride together. Andy and his Mom were so generous and kind, that they bought red roses for us campers who would be attending, so we could place them on Dana's casket. If I recall correctly, it was myself, Alisha, Andy, Jennifer Brooks, Jennifer Hall, Jamie Kloote, Jason Sevrey, Ryan Upson, and Scott Lipinski. Scott was an adult staff member (non CF) from camp.

I remember Dana's funeral like it was yesterday. I remember getting out of the car and we all headed inside Concord High School. Dana's funeral was held inside the gym, due to so many people attending. There was no way that a funeral home could hold all those people. I remember having butterflies in my stomach, because I knew this was it.
Dana's funeral was a closed casket, due to her being very jaundice from her liver failing. Dana's skin was very dark in color, thus the reason for the closed casket. She had a liver transplant in 1994, thus her transplanted organ had failed.

I remember vividly walking into the gymnasium and there was Dana, toward the left side. We each had a rose in our hand. With a picture beside her casket, we knew this goodbye would be without a hug, but with many tears.  
As we quietly walked up to her casket, we placed our roses with sadness, pride, and honor. Sad to see our friend leave, pride of the fight she gave, and the honor of knowing her. We all headed up to the bleachers for the service. During the service I thought about the dance I had with Dana, the many conversations we had at CF camp, the time Dana called me to ask for guy advice as I believe she was dating a football player at the time, and the many letters and phone calls we exchanged.

I didn't know how Jason was going to handle it, and I sat next to him while he was day dreaming. What was he exactly thinking about? I'm not certain. I can tell you it was about Dana and the love he had for her. I remember I placed my hand on his shoulder and said.

"It's ok."

I wanted him to let it out, because I knew everything was building up inside of him. We all were the only ones in that room who knew what it felt like to have CF, and to know one day that that would be us in that casket.

I remember as the service ended, Jason and I hugged.  He said to me.

"I loved her so much."

I said to him.

"I know you did Jason, and she knew that."

The service was going to conclude at Pulaski Cemetery in Pulaski, MI (next to Concord) where Dana would be laid to rest. Afterward there was going to be a luncheon. The ride over to the cemetery was very quiet. I don't think anyone said a word, or at least not much of anything.

We all headed to where Dana was going to be buried. I remember looking around, seeing a cornfield behind where Dana was going to be buried. I wanted to remember this day for as long as I lived, because I knew I wouldn't be back. We watched our friend being buried beneath the ground. I just remember talking to Dana in my conscious. As the service concluded, Jason told me he'd catch up with us in a bit. Jason needed this time alone. I'm not sure what he said, but he knew this would be it. I didn't want to leave him alone, but I knew he needed this.

So there was a luncheon and we got to see Dana's parents again. I remember seeing Dana's sister Leslie and her two brothers. Then I remember kids running around, and little did I know, one of those kids was Alyssa Maynard, who at that time I believe was 4 years old and just days away from being 5 when Dana passed away. Alyssa would get into contact with me 11 years later via Facebook after I wrote a memorial on Dana, which I've converted over into this final memorial.

Its been so wonderful seeing the progression in life that Alyssa has made. In a few days Alyssa will be 21 years old and is currently studying Occupational Therapy at the University Of Toledo in Toledo, OH. Alyssa's brothers (Austin and Andru) were 3 and 1 years old, I believe. Austin graduated from high school last year (June 2012) and Andru (I believe) will be a senior in high school when school starts back up in the fall (2013-14 school year).

Austin and Andru never knew their aunt Dana. Alyssa has told me she has some memories of Dana, but the one thing I'd like for them to know about her was that she was very CARING. She battled CF with heart and never gave up. She never was about herself, and put others before herself. She would be very proud of all three of them. Leslie I believe was 23 years old at the time. I've had the honor of talking to Dana's Mom as well via Facebook, and the whole family has helped me out with this memorial. I can't thank them enough.

So whatever happened to Jason?  I don't know this from fact, but two others from CF camp have told me that Jason was never the same after Dana's death. I think he struggled with it. Jason would die from CF 3 and a half years later. Folks, he's in a better place.  Now holding Dana in his arms, looking down and watching over all of us. The last time I had seen Jason or talked to him was in the fall of 1997. He was a good friend to me, and I will always remember him.

So what about me?  Well, my journey with Dana wasn't over yet.  I had one last thing to take care of.
Continue. . . 

By: Titanic: Music From The Motion Picture
Year: 1997

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