Mar 10, 2013

The Dance

Chapter IV
The Dance

I always enjoyed our camp dances each and every year. My favorite photo of Liz and I is from our dance at camp 1988 (first page), and my favorite of Margaret and I is the photo on the first page, where it's dark outside. I've enclosed a photo of us at the dance.  I was an alien from Mars and I believe she was dressed in a princess Leia type outfit. 

I actually made my costume at home (before camp) with just a trash bag. I colored and stapled the planets (including stars) in our solar system on it, mostly just the front.  The glasses I got at camp, including the plastic blue tubing. I'm not sure how it came about me getting those awesome glasses.  They lit up. I also got the white gloves from camp as well.  Why the gloves?  My hands sent off radiation, thus the gloves protected the earthlings.  You gotta love my imagination.  The song below pretty much goes well with my costume.

I had an eye opener to say the least the next morning.  I woke up and my left eye was swollen and it looked like someone had punched me.  Margaret was going to meet me by the boys dorm at 7:00 AM, like she usually did so she could do my PD.  I remember when she saw me, she was in shock and said.

"Jesse, what happened?"

I told her that I had no clue why my eye was swollen, but the only thing I was wearing yesterday, or at the dance that was near my eyes were those glasses.  So sometime that morning I saw Dr. Mike (Mike Cawley) and that was the only thing we could come up with, because nothing was in my eye.  I'm thinking the plastic (mixed with my sweat) got into my eye, causing it to swell up.  Luckily within a day or two, it got better and by the time I went home it was all gone.

I still remember the look on Margaret's face when she saw my eye, she was pretty freaked out.

I remember on the ride home I was sad, like everyone was when they left camp.  A lot of us knew our friends might not be returning, not because they had other plans, but because they would die from CF.  That was the truth and the sad part about CF camp.  I never thought that way about Liz or Margaret, I knew they would be back, or at least I thought.

Continue. . .

'Pump up the volume' by M/A/R/R/S (1987)

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