Mar 10, 2013

Miracle In Dowling

Chapter VI
Miracle In Dowling

Camp was nearing, as July 4th had passed.  Only three days left.  Anytime 4th of July hit, the excitement was really boiling and I loved 4th of July.  The smell of fireworks, the popping, and the thrill of lighting them off.  Not to mention the pretty colors as well.

Something just wasn't right about that 4th of July in 1990. Oh wait, that's right.  Liz and Margaret weren't going to be at camp.

A day or two before camp I always packed my belongings and medications.  I think I wrote Liz and Margaret a few weeks before camp and told them that I was going to miss them.

I did my annual thing on the way to camp.  Listened to music.  I remember listening to 'Pictures Of You' by The Cure and that song just stuck with me and it reminded me of Liz and Margaret.  The song holds true, and it seemed like the pictures of them were so real.  The song came out in March 1990 and I remember buying the cassette tape and I played it over and over again on the way to camp.

After I got to camp my parents and I unpacked and I went and got my camp t-shirt.  I admit, it was nice seeing my friends, and Neal Dantes was my patrol leader that year.

I remember it like it was yesterday.  My parents were still there, but I was talking to someone and I remember hearing the voice.

"Hey Jesse!!!"

I looked to see who was calling my name, and time stood still.  Let me give you a good description.  It was like living in Michigan and not seeing the sun for several weeks during the winter months.  Then all of a sudden you look out the window and see the sun.  It glazes over the first layer of your skin, and you feel the warmth of its rays scatter across your arms and it leaves you feeling happy, energized, and warm.  That is exactly how I felt when I saw who was saying my name.

"Liz, Margaret, OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!"

It was a miracle.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  I thought I was seeing two ghosts.  It really was Liz and Margaret.  I remember bolting real fast and hugging both of them.  It was a moment that I didn't want to let go.

So that's kind of how I remember it.  Then again, I remember only one of them calling out my name, and Liz or Margaret was somewhere else.  They told me they'd gotten back early and wanted to surprise me.  So basically they knew they'd be back in time for camp. I was in shock.

That week was so special and it combined camp 1988 and 1989. 1990 was my favorite year of camp.  I had never been so happy during that week, but sadly, I don't remember everything that happened.  I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and see myself and relive that week.

Since both Liz and Margaret are polish, they both would talk to each other in polish off and on during that week, and of course I couldn't understand what they were saying. It was funny, because I would try and figure out what they were saying.

My Mom took a picture of Liz, myself, and Margaret together during the first day of camp.  It's my favorite photo from the 8 years that I went to camp. I remember thinking while my Mom was taking the picture.

"Please Mom, don't mess this photo up, this one is a keeper for sure."

Sadly, I don't have many pictures of us together or at the dance.  I would give anything to have more pictures of us together, Liz or Margaret.

I do remember saying goodbye to both Liz and Margaret. It was the sad part about camp, those goodbyes were tearful. I remember being wet on the way home, because a few of us had a water gun fight, as you can see in the photo enclosed of myself, Liz, Margaret, and Jimmy LaFrance (RIP)

Continue. . .

'Pictures Of You' by The Cure (1990)

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