Chapter III
Meeting The Other Half
Meeting The Other Half
So there I was in the backseat of our car, and I admit, I was pretty nervous. I didn't know what to expect heading into my 2nd year of camp. Our theme for that year was Beavers In Space (beaver being our camp mascot) Our theme the previous year (Camp '88) was WBVR (TV station), which if I recall, throughout the week we took game shows or things that were on TV and gave them a 'beaver' twist.
First thing that everyone did when they got to camp was unpack their belongings and to see which bunk they were assigned. I hadn't seen anyone that looked like Liz. So my folks and I headed over to pick up my camp t-shirt. I remember standing in line and looking around, but I didn't see Margaret anywhere in sight.
Then as I went to pick out my camp t-shirt, I looked up and saw this gorgeous blonde and right then and there I knew it was Margaret. She looked at me with a smile and said.
"You must be Jesse!"
then I replied.
"Yep, and you must be Margaret."

That week was awesome. I remember spending all my free time with Margaret, and Liz was right, she did take her place for that week.
Every morning Margaret did my postural drainage a.k.a. PD (pounded on my back and chest to get the mucus up out of my lungs) and we ate together, went to the dance together, just like Liz and I did the previous year. It was just a remarkable week and I had met a wonderful friend. A friend I knew I'd have for the rest of my life.
I don't recall if it was Liz or Margaret (I'll go with Margaret) but for some reason she went bonkers when she ate marshmallows. She was really silly. It was so funny, and I remember her telling me something about marshmallows, because everyone was eating roasted marshmallows. I'll never know which one it was, but it was funny seeing Margaret being silly.
Continue. . .
'The Flame' By Cheap Trick (1988)
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